Dear PREP Families,
After prayerfully reviewing our PREP program put in place in September 2022, I would like to share once again the program for this upcoming PREP year. Confirmation will take place in 7th grade. This year it will be on November 30, 2024, at 11:00AM for Mrs. Meyer’s present class. We will require Confirmation students (beginning with Confirmation class of 2024 to complete twenty service hours in preparation of receiving the Sacrament.
The class days will remain in effect, as our Catechist have indicated that more class time is needed for the students to learn the material. Therefore, classes will take place from 6:00 – 7:30 pm each week Monday’s (Level 1-4) and Thursday’s (Levels 5 - 7). A monthly Holy Hour will continue to take place on the last Monday and Thursday of the month, 6:00 – 7:00 pm. It would be beneficial for parents to attend the Holy Hour as well.
Please keep in mind there are bills for Fr. Moriarty Hall – propane for heat, electricity, and salary for the
religious education director. Fees can be discussed if serious financial difficulties are present. Please speak to me, Fr. Palatucci, to request this courtesy.
If your student has not been involved in a religious education program for two or more years, a minimum of two years of class time is required for any students seeking a sacrament at St. John the Evangelist-St. Charles Borromeo Parish.
Mass attendance will continue to be required. Each student will be given a set of numbered cards. Students should hand these cards to the pastor or his delegate after Mass. Only the student and no one else must hand these in. They cannot be put in a collection box, on a table, or given to an usher. Absences should be due to extraordinary circumstances! Be wise about how you cut a Mass. No one should miss Mass intentionally, as this is a mortal sin and an offense against God. Mass attendance will begin September 1 and end August 31 of the following year. Parent(s) or an adult family member must accompany the student to Sunday Mass. If the whole family attends Mass, that would be beautiful, but student(s) accompanied by an adult will suffice.
Parents will be given a "contract” which will outline what is expected of students and parents. Parents must sign this and return it to Nan Kramer at registration. Fr. Palatucci will also receive a copy.
Fr. Palatucci
Pastor, St. John the Evangelist-St. Charles Borromeo Parish
New Student Registration
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